Featured Alumnus: Pascal Rapillard, GICHD
Earlier this month, Pascal Rapillard (Master in International Relations, 2004) appeared on the RTS programme Géopolitis to discuss how Geneva has become a global hub for demining efforts.
Since 2008 Pascal has been Head of External Relations and Governance, Policy and Communication at the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). His actiivities include communications and outreach, relations with stakeholders and partners, and governance issues (Council of Foundation, Advisory Board). He is also in charge of coordinating the GICHD’s support to the development and implementation of international humanitarian law.
Prior to joining the GICHD, Pascal worked at the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, first in Bern within the Humanitarian Policy Section, then in Geneva as Assistant to the Commissioner of the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. In 2005, he worked as a research assistant for the French National Commission on Anti-personnel Landmines in Paris.
You can watch the RTS interview with Pascal here.