Roger Arliner Young (RAY) Conservation Diversity Fellowship
The lack of racial diversity within environmental conservation is a persistent problem that is becoming increasingly recognized. Recognizing that diversity is a value important to the conservation sector and that we have not always made the progress we strive to make, the RAY Fellowship seeks to work together to help rectify this shortcoming by striving for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in conservation.
Eligible RAY Fellow applicants will:
- Come from a racial / ethnic background underrepresented in conservation and demonstrate a commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Be less than 2 years out of college and have a Bachelor's Degree (we are not considering individuals with graduate degrees at this time)
- Have not had a full-time job in conservation
- Have the ability to work in the United States and commit to the entire fellowship
The Fellowships will be designed to support and attract recent college graduates of color with exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishment who seek to be leaders in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors.