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University of Michigan
The South China Sea Decision and

The South China Sea Decision and "protecting room for peaceful negotiation"

This July—a week after the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) issued what John Ciorciari called “a sweeping repudiation of China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea,” Ciorciari wrote an op-ed for China-US Focus titled, “Reverberations of the South China Sea Decision.”...

Pennsylvania State University
Professor Leverett: What's really at stake in South China Sea ruling against China

Professor Leverett: What's really at stake in South China Sea ruling against China

This week’s ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration endorsing the Philippines’ claim that China’s interpretations of South China Sea maritime boundaries violate the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is being hailed in Washington as a salutary exercise in rules-based international governance—and as validation for resolute U.S. policy. But conversations with Chinese academics, analysts, and officials suggest that the outcome may trigger backlash....

Georgetown University
Summer Information Session with the Walsh School of Foreign Service

Summer Information Session with the Walsh School of Foreign Service

Please join us on Thursday, July 21 at 6:00 p.m. for a speaker event and open house for SFS Graduate Degree Programs. The event will commence with a brief presentation on the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service by Professor Tony Arend, Director of the Master of Science in Foreign Service and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Graduate Affairs within the SFS. Attendees will also hear about application guidelines and recommendations from a panel of Admissions Officers and have the opportunity to speak with representatives from the eight degree programs....