Policy Topics: Opposing Racism and Discrimination through Public Policy and Leadership
If you’ve spent any time browsing the HKS website, you may have stumbled across the Policy Topics section of the site, and within it, a spotlight on Opposing Racism and Discrimination. There you’ll find recent scholarship from our faculty members and other HKS experts on the topics of race, justice, protest, and policing. Below are a few recent highlights from the Opposing Racism and Discrimination webpage—as well as an upcoming Forum event on the topic of policing and racial justice.
Creating justice in real time: The campaign for Callie House
Callie House, a pioneering
civil rights leader at the turn of the 20th century, founded the National
Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty, and Pension Association, but was later
wrongfully accused of mail fraud and imprisoned, her legacy tarnished and
minimized. Through Professor Cornell William Brooks’ course MLD-375: Creating
Justice in Real Time: Vision, Strategies and Campaigns, a group of Harvard
students has partnered with the Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice and
the Harvard Law School Criminal Justice Institute to posthumously right the
wrongs suffered by House.
Experts argue that more work is needed to remove the stigma of a
criminal record on job applications
New research co-authored by Sandra Susan
Smith and Christopher Herring seeks to inform fair chance hiring policies
for individuals with arrests or criminal records and policies on equal
employment. Their policy brief, “The Limits of Ban-the-Box Legislation,”
addresses legislation that was designed to remove employment barriers for
formerly incarcerated individuals by deleting a standard box on a job
application asking about a criminal record.
“Our in-depth interviews reveal that to the extent that these job seekers continue to perceive discriminatory treatment by employers, many will understandably turn away from work in the formal economy.” - Sandra Susan Smith
change a multiplier for racial inequities warns panel
Last April, the Institute of Politics and
the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation’s Institutional
Antiracism and Accountability Project and Harvard Project on American
Indian Economic Development convened a discussion to highlight the link
between racial justice and climate justice. Panelists discussed how Indigenous
and communities of color are often left out of federal and state conversations
about climate change preparedness and resilience, though they are uniquely
suited to generate solutions around environmental sustainability.
A Conversation about Policing and Racial Justice

In the Forum on Monday, February 27, Cornell William Brooks, professor of the practice of public leadership and social justice at Harvard Kennedy School; Yanilda María González, assistant professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School; and Sandra Susan Smith, the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice at Harvard Kennedy School, will lead a conversation about policing and racial justice. Setti Warren, interim director of the Institute of Politics, will moderate. Watch the live stream on the IOP YouTube channel.