A Myriad of Opportunities in Washington, D.C.
Prior to attending Johns Hopkins SAIS, David worked for many years in the logistics field for a Fortune 500 company. He had majored in international relations at the undergraduate level, and his interest in foreign affairs never left him. David knew for certain he wanted to study in Washington, DC, the center of U.S. foreign policy, and he was attracted to the strength of the school’s academics, particularly the quantitative aspect of the economics program, which is unique to the school and has given him a detailed understanding of how the world works.
While attending the school, David has had the chance to take part in activities unavailable outside of Washington, DC, such as study treks to the U.S. Department of State and Capitol Hill. This fall he has been interning at an international trade, customs & export law firm, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, where he is working on trade policy issues. David was also recently accepted into the State Department’s Pathways Program, which provides opportunities for students to explore federal careers.
Additionally, David has taken advantage of the workshops offered by the school’s Office of Global Careers. One of the treks he participated in was focused on political risk, which has piqued his interest in that field and introduced to him to fascinating career opportunities available post-graduation. Being a part of the school’s Careers in Diplomacy Club also gave him the chance to take the White House Christmas tour, which has been an experience typically available only through one’s member of Congress.
After graduating, David aspires to be a Foreign Service Officer or to work in another federal agency. He is also considering a career in political risk analysis thanks to his graduate studies.