Four students granted mobility fellowships for projects in anthropology and sociology

The Department of Anthropology and Sociology (ANSO) of the Geneva Graduate Institute is pleased to announce that four of its doctoral researchers have been granted the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)’s Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship.
The fellowships are aimed at finishing doctoral students and/or recent PhD graduates who wish to conduct research stays abroad, enabling them to extend their scientific network and independence and to enhance their research profile, in view of a future scientific or academic career in Switzerland.
"Receiving such a fellowship is a great achievement, that recognises the merit of each individual researcher. It will allow them to develop their PhD to the next stage, by either producing a book and/or articles from their dissertation, as well as starting an entirely new research project that goes beyond the dissertation. It is also a fantastic opportunity to work in a new academic environment – with these laureates, either in the United States, in Canada or in France. It will surely contribute to expand the research collaborations ANSO has been forging throughout its thirteen years of existence!” - Grégoire Mallard, Director of Research and Professor in ANSO
Nina Kiderlin was granted the SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship for her project: Playing in a Sandbox: Regulating the Digital Transformation of Finance. She will be going to the Médialab at Sciences Po Paris.
Shirin Barol was granted the SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship for her project: From Cash to Clicks: A Socio-legal Study of the Global Shift to Digital Remittances. She will be going to the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Anthony Rizk was granted the SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship for his project: Towards an alter-politics of health: Fugitive epistemologies of medical care in the wake of the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). He will be going to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Connecticut.
Larissa Da Silva Araujo was granted the SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship for her project: Intercultural Knowledge for Páramo Management: Indigenous and Feminist Perspectives on socio-ecological dynamics in Ecuador. She will be going to the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (LAS) at the Collège de France, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.