Stories from Our Community

Results: 135 Matching Stories
George Washington University
Champion of Democracy Aims for D.C. Return

Champion of Democracy Aims for D.C. Return

From South Sudan to Afghanistan, Christina Hartman, ESIA BA ’99, has worked for 15 years to strengthen democracy and build community in some of the world’s most troubled nations....

George Washington University
A Man in Full: Ambassador Edward "Skip" Gnehm

A Man in Full: Ambassador Edward "Skip" Gnehm

When Edward “Skip” Gnehm Jr., ESIA BA ’66, MA ’68, arrived at GW in the fall of 1962, he already had his goal in sight. He spent the next six years studying international affairs......

Johns Hopkins University
Being A Visible Sign

Being A Visible Sign

Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley is a senior US diplomat and expert on the Middle East....

University of California San Diego
Alumnas sustain a friendship for the books

Alumnas sustain a friendship for the books

The common interest in sustainability that brought together Lauren DeMates and Rosaly Byrd at GPS now is turning profits for the duo in that of a burgeoning blog and book deal...

University of Michigan
Alumni, then and now (the times have changed)

Alumni, then and now (the times have changed)

In the 1950s, a half-dozen African nations had won their independence. In 1960, more than a dozen others followed. It wasn’t long before these new nation-states would send their top diplomats to Washi...

Georgetown University
SFS On Topic: Brexit

SFS On Topic: Brexit

The SFS community, including faculty and alumni, weighed in on the political and economic implications of the historic "Brexit" Decision, which called for the UK to leave the EU....

Georgetown University


Alumna Sarah Wang (MASIA'14) discusses her passion for Asian Studies and her experience at Georgetown SFS....