
Fletcher Coffee Hour at COP29 in Baku

Join us for Coffee hour in Baku with Dr. Travis Franck, Climate Modeling and Policy Director at The Fletcher School.

You are invited to learn more about The Fletcher School at an in-person Coffee Hour, hosted by Dr. Travis Franck, Climate Modeling and Policy Director at the Climate Lab and Assistant Research Professor at the Fletcher School. Dr. Frank will be in Baku representing The Fletcher School at COP29.

Please join us for a morning with Dr. Franck, to explore possibilities for your future. Whether you’re considering graduate school, looking for mid-career leadership, or preparing an application for one of our degree programs, Dr. Franck is eager to meet you and answer your questions.

Dr. Franck’s research applies the system dynamics methodology to climate change policy. The projects have varied across the range of climate change topics (mitigation, adaptation, agriculture, resilience) but the connecting theme has been how useful, policy-relevant models and tools could connect and be useful for members of parliament, UN delegates, and business leaders around the world.

Location in Baku, Azerbaijan, provided upon RSVP