
Get Your M.A. in San Francisco-Find out about S.F. State!

The M.A. in International Relations program at San Francisco State University is affordable, diverse, international and impactful. Our program gives students flexibility to pursue a semester-long internship in the IR field or conduct in-depth academic research culminating in a thesis. Our graduates go on in careers in the State Department, Bay Area NGOs, Think Tanks, Government positions and Ph.D. programs around the world.

Find out more about our graduate program at the following info sessions. Our deadline for Fall is March. 15th. No GRE is required. Register for an info session below by following the zoom links.

Facebook Live: Choosing a Graduate Program that’s Right for Me, Friday, Feb. 17th, 11 am on FB (open to the public). 

M.A. and B.A. + 1 Blended Program in International Relations Info Session– Overview and Q/A with Graduate Coordinator and Current Students, Tuesday, Feb. 21st  6pm-6:45pm on Zoom.

M.A. and B.A. + 1 Blended Program in International Relations Info Session– Overview and Q/A with Graduate Coordinator and Current Students, Wednesday, Mar. 1st  6pm-6:45pm on Zoom.