Fellowships & Scholarships

Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Fellowships

Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) Fellowships for Advanced Overseas Russian and Persian Language Study

American Councils for International Education has received a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad, to provide fellowships for advanced overseas Russian and Persian language study. Scholarships will be awarded to eligible participants on the Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) in Almaty, Kazakhstan and Yerevan, Armenia and the Eurasian Regional Language Program (ERLP) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Fellowship awards of $9,000 for the semester or $5,000 for the summer are available for overseas study of either Russian or Persian. Fellowship awards for online programs are also available: $3,100 for part-time semester or full-time summer online programs; $5,800 for full-time track semester online programs.

To be eligible for Fulbright-Hays funding, applicants must:

  • Meet the requirements of their selected program;

  • Be U.S. citizens or permanent residents;

  • Be undergraduate students with upperclassmen standing (junior or seniors), graduate students, or U.S. K-12 teachers;

  • Demonstrate academic excellence.

To be considered for Fulbright-Hays funding, simply indicate your wish to be considered for financial aid when completing the application for your selected program and complete all the questions and forms that follow. Successful applicants will demonstrate outstanding academic ability, strong potential to gain from an overseas language-immersion experience, and future plans to work in education or other fields critical to the U.S. government.

At the conclusion of the semester abroad, participants who received Fulbright-Hays funding are expected to conduct outreach activities in the U.S. to promote Russian or Persian study to the larger community.

About Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad

The Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act, commonly referred to as the Fulbright-Hays Act, was made law by the 87th U.S. Congress under President John F. Kennedy on September 21, 1961. Senator J. William Fulbright and Representative Wayne Hays introduced the legislation, which represents the basic charter for U.S. government-sponsored educational and cultural exchange. 2016 marks the 55th anniversary of this landmark legislation. More information about Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad can be found here.

Learn moer at https://www.studyabroad.americancouncils.org/fulbright-hays