Fellowships & Scholarships

Results: 144 Matching Fellowships & Scholarships
Stimson Center South Asia Junior Fellowship

The Henry L. Stimson Center’s South Asia Program welcomes applications from highly motivated graduating seniors or individuals who have completed their undergraduate or master’s degree in the past year for its cohort of Junior Fellows.

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships

The ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship offers financial support to U.S. and Canadian students who wish to spend up to three months at a Swiss institution of higher education for a research internship. Students enrolled at a U.S. or Canadian university are eligible to apply for the scholarship that grants a contribution to travel and living expenses

Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowships

The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program is a program funded by the U.S. Department of State, administered by Howard University, that attracts and prepares outstanding young people for Foreign Service careers in the U.S. Department of State.

Twitter Public Policy Fellowship

The Twitter Public Policy Fellowship is a paid 6-month to a year long program designed for 1st and 2nd year graduate level women and/or historically underrepresented (black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Native American) students interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in Public Policy.

Urban Leaders Fellowship

The Urban Leaders Fellowship is a paid summer fellowship for professionals who come from various backgrounds, professions, ideologies, and experiences with a sincere commitment to transform communities through people and partnerships.