New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service (NYU Wagner) offers students the opportunity to learn in a diverse and rich environment devoted to work of public importance. Starting from a notion that the most interesting ideas and innovations come when traditionally isolated fields of study intersect, NYU Wagner teaches students to view social challenges through a variety of lenses. When students leave Wagner, they have the ability to drive change in a variety of sectors.
As part of a broader global network university, NYU Wagner promotes an understanding of the global and cultural factors affecting the theories and practice of public service, allowing students to develop cross-cultural competencies and perspectives, as well as an appreciation of the many forms that “difference” takes in our modern society.
Students may specialize in international policy and management, international health or international development planning. The international specializations provide a comparative interdisciplinary foundation that bridges cutting-edge conceptual thinking, critical analytical techniques, and concrete management skills relevant for those with an interest in international public service work. With a focus on developing countries, students are prepared to confront the challenges of implementing complex public service policies and programs in varying contexts.
Wagner students are able to draw on the full breadth of resources available at NYU, including research centers such as the Financial Access Initiative, the Center for Global Public Service and Social Impact, and the Development Resource Institute, and coursework and dual-degree programs with the NYU Stern School of Business and the NYU Law School, among others.