Georgia Tech Nunn School Experts in the News and Recent Scholarship

Georgia Tech Nunn School Experts in the News and Recent Scholarship

Published - "Communication Strategies of Millsaps College President Frank Neville," featuring Frank Neville, was published by The Business Communication Guy Podcast.

"Debt Forgiveness Faces Legal Challenges," featuring Peter Brecke, was published by the Technique.

"Space Missions Are Getting More Complex — Lessons From Amazon and FedEx Can Inform Satellite and Spacecraft Management in Orbit," an article by Mariel Borowitz, was published on

"Zhuding Yizhan? Meizhong Guanxi [Destined for War? U.S.-China Relations]," a book chapter in Chinese by Dalton Lin, was published in Jiegou Meiguo: Shijie Baquan De Guoqv, Xianzai Yu Weilai [Deconstructing America: The Past, Present, and Future of the World Hegemon], published by Taipei: Wu-Nan Book.

Geopolitics and China’s Patronage Strategy: The Wary Patron, the Autonomous Client, and the Vietnam War, a book by Dalton Lin, was published by Routledge.