Meet the '23-'24 HNC Student Bloggers!
Each year several students share their HNC experience on this blog, ranging in topics from their studies to their travels, and study tips to community member profiles. This year these three students below will be a window into the HNC with their photos......
Rabe examines developments in carbon border adjustments globally
The interplay between domestic and international climate politics "is a multilevel game," stated Barry Rabe, the J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy at the Ford School....
Corwin (MPP/SEAS '25) increases residential participation in energy efficiency programs
This past summer, Bridget Corwin (MPP/SEAS ‘25) was chosen to be one of nine Catalyst Leadership Circle Fellows, an annual program that provides Michigan communities statewide the resources needed to…...
Rising inequality isn’t driving mass public support for redistribution: Charlotte Cavaillé’s ‘Fair Enough? explains why not
In the past, excessive economic inequality has ended… badly. As Charlotte Cavaillé points out in her new book that studies the public’s reaction to rising inequality, “only mass warfare, a state…...
Lewis on the future of climate resilience in “haven” cities
Ann Arbor and other cities across the Midwest and Northeast have been referred to by climate specialists as “climate havens,” natural areas of refuge that are relatively safe from extreme weather…...
Lishaun Francis (MPP ‘09) on her journey into child advocacy
Upon graduating from the Ford School, Lishaun Francis (MPP ‘09) headed to DC to work as a Management and Program Analyst at the United States Department of Education (DoE). Although she felt she was…...
MPP students explore Michigan’s state and local government
Each year, approximately 20 percent of Ford School master’s students explore policy at the local or state levels through their required 10-week internship, and this summer was no different....
Introducing our GAs: Rebecca Kelly
Hello! Taking a break from our application tips to introduce our three(!) new Graduate Assistants. Our GAs are essential in...
Workshops help students communicate with clarity and impact
As policy professionals, Ford School graduates will need to expertly convey new ideas, propose policy to higher ups, lead teams toward a shared goal, build support among factions, present data, and…...
Exploring Nanjing’s Fascinating History
The Hopkins-Nanjing Center is fortunate to be located in one of China's most richly historical cities, with important sites in several dynasties and in modern Chinese history. Student Blogger Eric Omorogieva takes us on a tour of his favorite historica......
Thacher studies history to inform today's police reform
Although some may view reducing the harms of policing as a contemporary issue, David Thacher encourages modern reformers to consider the past in the...
Lantz and Young honored with prestigious U-M awards
Ford School professors Paula Lantz and Alford A. Young Jr., were among 29 faculty recognized by the University of Michigan provost for their scholarly contributions, teaching, and service at an…...