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Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech Celebrates the Launch of GTDC in Washington, D.C.

Georgia Tech Celebrates the Launch of GTDC in Washington, D.C.

Ossoff emphasized that Georgia Tech is well respected worldwide and plays a key role in research and innovation related to national security, energy, and healthcare and that its students and graduates have much to contribute....

Georgia Tech
Deep U.S.-Russia malaise calls for a liaison between Trump and Congress

Deep U.S.-Russia malaise calls for a liaison between Trump and Congress

With both the White House and Congress having a hand on the steering wheel for Russia policy, perspective at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue is crucial. Congress must organize itself to be a constructive player, and the Trump administration must acknowledge this reality by reaching out. A liaison group, which could include the chairs and ranking minority-party members of key committees from both houses of Congress, should be appointed by congressional leadership to work closely with the administration to receive briefings and offer constructive feedback....

Georgia Tech
Nunn School Professor Mariel Borowitz Quoted in Christian Science Monitor on SpaceX Launch

Nunn School Professor Mariel Borowitz Quoted in Christian Science Monitor on SpaceX Launch

By breaking the monopoly, the launch became something of a coup for both SpaceX and private space companies in general. Governmental organizations like NASA are increasingly turning to private companies for tasks ranging from satellite deployment to human transportation into space, blurring the line between public and private space missions. While NASA has worked with commercial companies before, the degree of responsibility given to private companies like SpaceX has risen considerably in recent years, according to Mariel Borowitz, a technology and space policy specialist and associate professor at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. By breaking the monopoly, the launch became something of a coup for both SpaceX and private space companies in general. Governmental organizations like NASA are increasingly turning to private companies for tasks ranging from satellite deployment to human transportation into space, blurring the line between public and private space missions. While NASA has worked with commercial companies before, the degree of responsibility given to private companies like SpaceX has risen considerably in recent years, according to Mariel Borowitz, a technology and space policy specialist and associate professor at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology....