Read the Summer 2022 Harvard Kennedy School Magazine

Read the Summer 2022 Harvard Kennedy School Magazine

We’re working hard to put the finishing touches on the

master’s degree application for the upcoming admissions cycle—it should be available

by the end of September.

While you wait for the application to go live, we encourage you to read the Summer 2022 issue of the Harvard Kennedy School Magazine.  

This issue explores the idea of “policy labs”—initiatives

that embrace innovative and practical approaches to solving some of the most

pressing policy challenges. You’ll also read about our faculty members’

expertise on policy topics concerning China, as well as inspiring stories about

our alumni.

Here are a few highlights:

Perspectives on China

Harvard Kennedy School experts help us understand China’s

internal dynamics and its growing role in the world. 

Simple Experiments, Complex Problems

Professor Latanya Sweeney’s Public Interest Technology Lab

investigates the clashes between technology and society. 

Blue-Sky Thinking

The problem of global methane emissions is urgent and

serious. Claire Henly MPP 2021 is helping to tackle it. 

Harvard Researchers Help Ailing Economies

Professor Ricardo Hausmann’s Growth Lab is training students

and practitioners to develop prescriptions for economic growth.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable

Suparna Gupta MC/MPA 2013 founded a nonprofit that is

helping institutionalize better standards of care in child protection

Leading the Roundtable

Professor Sandra Susan Smith aims to eradicate racial

disparities and inequity in Massachusetts criminal courts. 

Read the full HKS Magazine online.