Summer Internships at HKS
While campus is relatively quiet during the summer months, Harvard
Kennedy School students are hard at work, putting their classroom training to
work, applying new skills, and helping to tackle local and global policy challenges.
The Master in Public Administration in International
Development (MPA/ID) program is the only one of our degree programs that
requires a summer internship, though many of the students in our other two-year
programs spend the summer between their first and second years building upon
the skills learned in the classroom with hands-on experience.
Last Summer…
- HKS students completed 258 internships in summer
- 41% of internships were in the public sector,
33% nonprofit & NGO, and 26% private sector.
- 29% of internships were international, while 71%
were based in the U.S.
2021 Student Internship Stories
Sarah Lin MPP 2022: Asian
American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Commission, Graduate Intern
What did you work on?
This summer, I designed and directed the Asian AmericanCommission (AAC)’s AAPI Women in Politics and Public Service initiative. The
initiative consisted of a two-part event series and social media campaign that
highlighted the experiences, challenges, and accomplishments of AAPI women in
public service across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
What was surprising?
I wouldn’t say that it’s surprising, but my research thissummer has only underscored the reality of AAPI women’s vast
underrepresentation in elected offices across the country. When AAPI women’s voices are more proportionately
represented at policymaking tables, they give visibility to the needs of underserved
communities and help ensure that federal, state, and local policies are more
responsive to diverse constituencies. Simply put, increasing AAPI women’s
political representation leads to a more inclusive, robust, and effective
democracy. I hope to continue leading and advocating for that kind of reality.
Diana Ayoub MPA/ID / MIT Sloan MBA 2023: The
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Policy
and Research Intern
What did you work on?
I contributed to the research and writing of the OECD’sAnnual Africa Development Dynamics report. The report discusses the integration
of African countries in the global value chain in response to the African
Continental Free Trade Agreement. As an intern, I conducted statistical
analysis and wrote on trade facilitation, digital infrastructure, debt
sustainability, cross-border informal trade, and strategic value chains
mapping. It was very exciting to join experts’ meetings from across the
continent through the drafting process.
What was surprising?
I was surprised by the number of opportunities I was givento take ownership of my work and lead my team on multiple occasions. Before I
started, I expected most of my work would be supporting authors but did not
realize I was going to be given the opportunity to brainstorm and co-author
such a significant part of the report.
Anthony Sacco MPA / Penn Law JD 2022: U.S.
Senate Committee on Finance, Tax Policy Fellow
What did you work on?
I was on the committee’s Democratic tax staff working onfederal tax policy, particularly issues relating to passthrough businesses,
capital gains, and retirement plans.
What was fun?
I was able to participate substantively in many discussions,especially our work on partnership tax reform. My colleagues were so inclusive
and supportive, urging me to share my thoughts during meetings, ask questions,
and even contribute some of my own ideas. This aspect of the internship was
very rewarding, as I was actually able to meaningfully engage and draw on my
own knowledge of partnership tax and other topics.
Summer Internship Funding
We understand that many of our students undertake unpaid or
minimally paid summer internships in public service or at nonprofits. As a
result, we offer limited summer stipends through the HKS Summer Internship Fund
(SIF). This funding enables our students to be able to spend the summer gaining
valuable experience in roles that are aligned with the school’s public service
mission. Many of the school’s research centers and
initiatives also provide support for summer internships.
Explore the full 2021
Summer Internship Report to learn more about how HKS students spent
their summer last year. And keep an eye out for the 2022 report this fall to learn more about what students are doing this summer.