News from Our Community

Results: 117 Matching News
Tufts University
Your financial plan for grad school

Your financial plan for grad school

For most students, the excitement of an admissions offer comes with a dose of yucky-tasting medicine: the need to get serious about financial planning. You're forgiven if the subject makes you feel overwhelmed and confused about where to begin, but it's not something you can ignore in the hopes of it going away. The sooner you start to work on your financial plan, the more options you'll have to work with....

Tufts University
Washington DC Career Trip

Washington DC Career Trip

The annual Washington, DC career trip took place recently, back in-person as it's meant to be. Organized by the Office of Career Services, the DC trip has always been a big deal at Fletcher, so much so that classes are cancelled for three days to allow students to take advantage of the opportunity....

Tufts University
Ukraine Digital Verification Lab

Ukraine Digital Verification Lab

A neat project highlight today from Fletcher's Russia & Eurasia Program, a research center whose work has been very much in the news over the past year. The student-led Ukraine Digital Verification Lab has harnessed freely available social media activity and satellite imagery to produce reports on infrastructure damage, specifically documenting attacks on schools and educational facilities....

Tufts University
Introducing Ailish

Introducing Ailish

We're excited to welcome Ailish Mills to the Admissions team! In her role as Staff Assistant Ailish will be the first person with whom many prospective students will interact, so I'm glad to introduce her to our readers....

Tufts University
Student bloggers: Christine enters the home stretch

Student bloggers: Christine enters the home stretch

Hello all! It has been a while since my last post, and I am excited to update you all on what I have been up to. I am currently writing this blog post while sitting in my favorite study spot on campus, the Ginn reading room. I must admit I am becoming quite sentimental while writing as it is my last semester at Fletcher....

Tufts University
Student bloggers: Aki’s fall recap

Student bloggers: Aki’s fall recap

Hello again! I am excited to begin the next semester after a well-deserved break. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to attend classes in-person this semester, in addition to the previous one. As this is my first experience studying abroad for an extended period, I have encountered a plethora of new experiences and challenges. I find it hard to believe that a quarter of my semesters at Fletcher have already passed....

Tufts University
Student bloggers: Vishal’s fall update

Student bloggers: Vishal’s fall update

As the spring 2023 semester begins, I am reminiscing about the fall 2022 semester and can gladly say that I am incredibly proud, confident, and yet heartbroken. Confident in my academic journey, proud of my achievements, and heartbroken over losses....

Tufts University
Gautier’s fall semester recap

Gautier’s fall semester recap

It's time to check in with our student bloggers as the spring semester begins. Today we'll hear from Gautier, anticipating the start of his internship as part of the MATA program....

Tufts University
Foreign language opportunities at Fletcher

Foreign language opportunities at Fletcher

While most Fletcher students don't have a mandatory foreign language requirement, many have interest in improving or maintaining their level of foreign language proficiency. There are a variety of opportunities for students pursue foreign language study and practice, ranging from organized classroom settings to casual conversation....

Tufts University
Financial planning advice

Financial planning advice

Today I share a post from the recent archives. This time of year - when many candidates are on the cusp of submitting their application materials - is also the time to be getting serious about your financial plan for grad school. It's a big task, and you're not alone if you feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure even of how to begin....