Fellowships & Scholarships

Results: 144 Matching Fellowships & Scholarships
Abe Fellowship

The Abe Fellowship provides U.S. and Japanese citizens with 3-12 months of full-time support for international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern.

ADB-Japan Scholarship Program

The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) offers about 140 postgraduate scholarships a year for studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields.

Advocacy Project Fellowship

Each year, The Advocacy Project recruits graduate students to volunteer with our partner organizations. This is the only fellowship program that matches the passion and skills of graduates with the needs of community-based advocates.

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme

The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from select developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies, in order to develop effective scholars and leaders and to prepare them for employment, primarily within the AKDN.

Alan R. and Barbara D. Finberg Fellowship

Established in memory of Alan R. and Barbara D. Finberg, early supporters of Human Rights Watch, this fellowship is open to recent graduates (at the Master’s level) in the fields of law, journalism, international relations, or other relevant studies.